
Useful Links:

Recycle your old phones / ink cartridges and help to support your local scout group.




Primary school

Ellesmere Primary School Website





























Graham Hinton, Group Scout Leader of Ellesmere town’s Scout group was made an Honorary Freeman of Ellesmere after nearly 50 years’ service

He was awarded a certificate at Monday the 6th Decembers  Ellesmere Town Council meeting.

The certificate was awarded to Graham by Councillor Alan Clarke, mayor of Ellesmere.


Thank You

Thanks to Shropshire Council who have agreed to waive the affordable housing contribution on the Scout cottage sale - more money towards the new HQ.

Also our thanks goes to Tudor Griffiths for their generous donation of £250 in vouchers to spend on building materials when we start the new HQ.

Ellesmere Carnival

Members of the Beaver colony took part in this years carnival by having a 'Pirates of the Caribbean' themed float.

The float took part in both processions and even won the prize for the best decorated float!

